Shooting requires a lot of skills. Training in the range can improve your accuracy. However, there is more to shooting than just accuracy. In the real world, situations can turn upside down in a matter of seconds and what stands between life and death are a few seconds. Quick reflexes and muscle memory are the most important when it comes to such dire situations. But how can one train for a real-life situation? With Triumph Systems Pivotal Training Targets, you can. Pivotal Law Enforcement ShootingTargets were specially made to hone your reflexes and train your muscle memory. It also gives you the opportunity to train in various real-life based scenarios. These are not typical targets, these are turning targets that have a threat / no threat design. This threat / no-threat turning target can be set to turn in automatic intervals or can be controlled with a remote. This gives you the option to think and analyze the situation before you engage with the target. Features Of Our...
Shooting has always been fun. However, there is a separate craze for zombies and zombie targets. We wanted to bring that to the range for our customers and firearm enthusiasts. We saw people training hard but they didn’t have much variety of targets to choose from. That's why we made these two interesting targets. Threat Down Bleeding Zombie Targets : It is not an ordinary target as you think, it’s a highly reactive one. The vital areas are covered with hundreds of cells. These cells are filled with bright-colored gel. Specialty: It comes in an exciting 30x22 dimension which is suitable for an indoor and outdoor training sessions. Consists of hundreds of filled cells to identify and get instant feedback on your shooting. It is easy to fold and carry Bleeding Zombie Targets to the range. Price: It is available in single pieces and bundles. One piece costs $16.99 and a bundle with 9 pieces costs $143.99. Visual Vital Zombie Splatter Targets: This was made with accuracy...