What is important when it comes to a real-life situation which involves firearms? Sure, you can be skilled in using firearms. You could have been the champion in gun shooting competitions back in your time. But, can you be sure that you can trust the skill you once held in real-life situations? The answer from experts in such situations would be ‘No’. Skill is important. But, things can escalate quickly when you are in a violent situation. And in such a situation speed and reflex are more important. You have to act quickly and mindfully. The difference between life and death can just be some seconds. Hence, it is important to train your reflexes to face such circumstances. At Triumph Systems, we are trying to redefine cognitive and discretionary training with our Pivotal Trainer Target Systems. Pivotal trainers are turning target systems used by Law Enforcement agencies, federal agencies, and firearm enthusiasts all over the United States of America. Here is why Pivotal Trai...